Grant Information & Eligibility

Our Grant Award Process

Each year, pediatric research, education, and/or patient care programs from the Texas Medical Center are eligible for Men of Distinction support. Grant awardees are selected annually by a committee composed of Men of Distinction Board members and a liaison from the Texas Medical Center.

The choice of the Texas Medical Center Awardees rests with a committee composed of current and founding Men of Distinction Board members, luncheon co-chairs, Honorees, and/or Medical Center members supported by the luncheon.

Providing Purpose With Lasting Benefits

In our effort to become synonymous with supporting “bench to bedside” medical partnerships, we seek and recognize the following clinician/research scientist groups and organizations as potential candidates based on the following grant eligibility criteria:

Men of Distinction Application Form

Electronic application submission is required by using the online application form below. In addition, our organization must receive grant applications by October 15th of each calendar year. The Men of Distinction Awards Committee may also request that beneficiary applicants make a brief presentation to the Committee describing, in broad terms, their research/patient care program and how it benefits humankind.

Application Checklist

Before applying online, you’ll need to submit the following items in addition to the application form below:

Grant Recipient

Men of Distinction Grant Application Form

For award consideration, please complete the online application in its entirety, upload all required documentation, and click the submit button below.

Program Location
Upload/Submit Application Documents